Q: Why can't I hear any music or sound on your pages?
A: Your computer may not be updated with the latest software.
Check your sound card drivers and make sure you have the
latest version of your web browser. We recommend Internet
Explorer 4 and above.
Q: Why are some images broken and not viewable?
A1: Simply hit the refresh button on your browser. Some
images may not have been completely loaded.
A2: Your browser may not be java enabled. If this is the
case click
here and download the java plug-in.
A3: Your browser may not have the Flash plug-in installed.
here to download the plug-in.
Q: How do I print a greeting?
A: Most if not all web browsers have a print command in
the top menu bar. In Internet Explorer, click on 'File
> Print...' on the top menu bar. You may also do this
by pressing 'Ctrl-P' on your keyboard.
If you have further questions that are not answered here,
please click here
to contact us.